von Joseph Bartz
28. März 2023
Today's blog is about responsibility. Much talk and attention has been given to the concept of karma as well as cause and effect. So much so that we have begun to feel that we can affect the events in our surroundings simply by the way we feel and think. While I believe this is the case to a certain degree, I'm not really interested in discussing this here at any length. Too much weight is placed on these ideas, so that we feel we can control those things by "feeling" a certain way. If we simply change how we feel, hocus pocus our dreams come true and we live happily ever after. The other side of the control spectrum I like to call the machine shed. The doing crowd.. the philosophy there is: if I just do the right things, all will be well. Biohackers fall into this category. As well as many religious people. Check all the boxes and bingo, my soul is safe from damnation. All of these things deny one main thing: life! Life is full of beauty, ugliness, pleasure, pain, joy, sadness, etc. From a very young age I understood that love and hate were not opposites, but two sides to the same coin.. their opposite is indifference. To live is to be responsible to control is suicide on the installment plan. Responsibility begins with the fundamental trust in ourselves and in life, and then accepting ourselves, our lives, and all those things entail. If we are sad, or tired, or jealous, or angry, etc and we pretend that we are not, because we feel that we should not be, we lose the ability to find the source of those feelings, and then to let them go, in due time. We also turn ourselves into a zombie. We say these feelings are not valid, and if we only feel good feelings, there won't be any ugliness. Trust in ourselves allows us to take responsibility for our anger (for example) and then use or channel it in a constructive way.. or, if faced with a real live threat, destructive way. I cannot be responsible for my anger, if I do not allow myself to feel it, I can only control it.. if I control it, it will find it's way into my body, tight muscles, digestive issues, headaches etc.. will result. Think of all those places where you hold tension or pain in your body.. ask yourself, if there is something in which you're not living out your responsibility fully, then breathe and accept your emotions. Allow yourself to be silent. Too many of us are constantly chattering away in our own mind.. as if there were two of us here. Breathe, inhabit, feel, taste, smell, hear, see your emotions and then breathe, inhabit, feel, taste, smell, hear, and see your responsibility for them, even if you do not want it. Once this is established, it becomes easier to see what effect our states have on the things around us. And how they influence us. Only then do we realize that things like guilt and shame, are tools of someone or something that seeks to control. Quantum physicists have discovered that an atom essentially is nothing at it's core. That the structure is what makes it have mass and not it's "substance" Much like life the only way to see "the bottom" or "the inside" is to destroy it. Trying to control it also does the same thing.